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Belize Fisheries Policy 2
Lighthouse Reef 3
Blue Seascape
Lamanai 3

Supporting Transformative International Development

Institutional Development and Management Consultants Limited (ID&M) works in key areas of international development geared towards supporting developing countries to better mobilize resources from bilateral and multilateral cooperation, enhance natural resources management, the streamlining of Climate Change adaptation strategies, and the strengthening of institutional capacity for improved governance at the level of projects, programs and organisations.

Through our network of specialists and experts, ID&M works for international development agencies and consulting partners in collaboration with governments, civil society organisations and communities in more than 25 countries across Latin America and the Caribbean in primarily three areas:

We believe our work must always demonstrate tangible returns for both the client and intended beneficiaries, and as such, we place substantial effort in ensuring stakeholder ownership, a gender balanced approach, adherence to environmental and social safeguards and meaningful community engagement, while continuously searching for opportunities to promote South-South Cooperation and up-scaling of results as key elements of sustainable international development.